Our Mission
Through rowing, our athletes learn to embody values that will carry them through the rest of their lives. In the sport of rowing, teamwork is essential. In all sports there is an element of teamwork, but in rowing, it is the only way. If all 8 rowers and the coxswain are not working together the boat will not move. In each boat, every athlete plays a role and no role is more important than the other. This lesson in teamwork, community, and collective strength is core to our mission. Whatever happens in the boat or on land is a collective effort by each and every member of the team. We win together. We lose together. We face challenges together and we celebrate our accomplishments together, big and small.
Our team is made up of athletes who themselves, as well as their families, come from all walks of life. Regardless of the composition of their families, their gender identity, racial identity, sexual identity, socio-economic status, religion, etc., all team members and their families are welcome. Together, we embrace rowing's transformative power, fostering personal growth, resilience, and teamwork.
Join us on our journey to build the first ever rowing team at Evanston Township High School!
Why Rowing
Rowing not only grows athleticism, but also teaches leadership skills, self-confidence, and learning the importance of community. The sport of rowing has the capability to change lives. Beyond its creation of pathways to college scholarships, participating in rowing provides skills that are applicable long after high school graduation.
The Facilities
Our ETHS Rowing team joins the north shore rowing community at the Dammrich Rowing Center (DRC) in Skokie. While on the water we enjoy the beauty of the North Shore Channel and on land we are either in the tanks or on the ergs at DRC or on the ergs in our ETHS Rowing Room.

The Dammrich Rowing Center
Located at 3220 Oakton Street, the Dammrich Rowing Center is a state-of-the-art facility featuring a boat launch and 5,000 square foot indoor training center including two indoor sweep rowing tanks.
The DRC is home to several nationally ranked high school and collegiate crews.
ETHS Rowing
ERG Room
Located between the North and Gym wings, the ETHS Rowing room N218 is our dedicated space.
Here our rowing club can practice, store our rowing machines, and highlight our accomplishments as a new club.

2025 ETHS Rowing - Spring Season
Varsity tryouts are for returning athletes and will be held March 3rd - 8th. Both Boy's and Girl's Varsity tryouts are one week long with water and land components. Full attendance is required for consideration of a roster spot.
All new athletes start as novices on the Club group - no previous experience is required to join rowing. Novices are no-tryout and no-cut.
As a requirement of participation at any level, all student-athletes are evaluated on their swimming abilities in the Water Safety Test at the start of season to ensure they can safely participate. Learn more about the Varsity tryout criteria here.
Times & Locations
Our primary racing season is spring, where we compete in high energy, side-by-side sprint races. While full year participation is not required, all spring athletes must complete either fall season or pre-season winter training.
The ETHS Rowing is open to all genders, with student-athletes split between girl's and boy's teams and by experience level. The program is comprised of four total teams - girl's Club, boy's Club, girl's Varsity, and boy's Varsity. Teams may practice together throughout the week, and training plans are tailored by their respective coaches.
Times & Locations
Rowing practices 5-6 days per week, 2 hours per day. The schedule can fluctuate from season to season; the coach will be very clear about which days and times practice will take place at the beginning of the season. Practices will take place at ETHS in the rowing room (N218) and the Dammrich Rowing Center Boathouse. Team transportation between ETHS and the boathouse is provided by ETHS Rowing before and after practices closely after school.
Water Practice
ON THE WATER PRACTICE means the team will be fetching the equipment from the boathouse and bringing it down to the dock to row in the channel parallel to McCormick Blvd. After practice the team then takes everything back up to the boathouse and puts it away. When on the water, the coaches glides alongside the team in their rowing shells in a motorized boat or “launch.”
Water practice runs rain or shine, and no matter the temperature — the only weather elements that impede going on the water are lightning, low temperatures, and high winds, for the safety of our student-athletes. Be sure to come to practice prepared in/with proper dress and/or layers. Do not wear loose-fitting clothing as it will get caught up in the oar and/or seat slide track.
If something has changed with your schedule and you will be late or absent, contact the coach via email as soon as possible; boats can be delayed or not be able to go out at all due to an unexpected absence. The team relies on everyone’s clear and prompt communication.
Land Practice
DRY LAND PRACTICE includes stretching, using the indoor rowers (ergometeor/ “ergs”), weight training, and running. Some of these are on set days, some vary dependent on the coaches training plan.
Expectations & Commitment
Rowing is physically and mentally demanding. Student-athletes in the Varsity Rowing groups are expected to prioritize rowing as their primary in-season sport. Club rowing can offer more flexibility with other extracurriculars (i.e. rowing + band); however, all conflicts must be communicated with sufficient notice. Given the physically demanding nature of rowing, we typically recommend student-athletes do not participate in other in-season sports.
Rowing is a team sport, and as such it is imperative that members understand accept that commitment.
So to keep in mind:
Athletes that commit to the season are expected to attend all assigned practices
Team first. Always communicate with your coach
Expected absences from practice should be communicated to the coach AHEAD of time (Unexpected absences impact the boat's ability to go out)
Unexcused absence at school = ineligible to practice
Phones should be away during practice and are not allowed on the water
Be on time
Bring water (when on the water, if your bottle is metal, put it in a sock so you don’t scratch the boat)
Dress for the weather if you are going to be on the water
Whether you are on the water or on the ergs, do not wear loose-fitting clothing, as it will get stuck in the seat slides
Some days, practice will be tough. The team still requires your focus, good attitude, and fortitude. Your hard work and effort will always pay off in the big picture. Again, there are no star players in rowing and no one can “phone it in;” the team needs everyone to be fully present. And many times that need to be fully present can make everything else fade into the background, clearing your mind and spirit, and you’ll end practice better than when you came in!
More info in our New Rower Handbook

Tryouts Criteria
The rosters Varsity girls’ and boys’ rowing teams are capped at 19 student-athletes - 17 rowers and 2 coxswains - per team. Coaches reserve the right to make cuts from the tryout roster based on the number of student-athletes trying out for their respective teams.
The rosters for the Club team contains a limited number of seats for experienced rowers and is no-cut for novice (new) athletes. The Club group has up to 20 seats total - 18 rowers and 2 coxswains - per team. If the roster size exceeds number of available seats, athletes will have to rotate between water and on-land practice activities.
All rostered student-athletes are expected to prioritize rowing as their primary in-season sport and, due to the physically demanding nature of the sport, we recommend not participating in additional in-season sports in the same season.
Student-athletes are expected to communicate with their respective coaches regarding any additional extracurricular activities with which they are involved during the competition season, especially if these commitments may impact their ability to fully participate in rowing.
Consistency of Participation
Athlete brings consistent effort, willingness to learn, and communication. Each is essential to the athlete’s personal development, wellness, and overall success of the crew.
Technical Capacity
Athlete demonstrates proper rowing technique and the ability to receive and implement technical feedback.
Physical Capacity
Athlete demonstrates sufficient strength, cardio, and body awareness. This includes rowing, running, core strength, upper and lower body strength, and flexibility.
Positive Teammate
Athlete is respectful, supportive, and encouraging to teammates. Athletes must bring a positive attitude to challenges and remain open to trying and learning new things.
Athlete follows all safety protocols at all times and treats equipment with care and respect. Unsafe behavior of any kind will not be tolerated, on and off the water. Consistent disregard for safety protocols will result in immediate dismissal.
All athletes are required to participate in a Water Safety Test as part of their tryouts or season kickoff so coaches understand the swim proficiency of their athletes. Both the written and swim portions are required safety assessments for ALL ATHLETES and will be held at the ETHS pool.
To prepare for tryouts, the coaches recommend that interested athletes come with a sufficient base of cardiovascular fitness and strength. Student-athletes can anticipate 5+ hours of active cardio and 2-3 full-body lifts on a weekly basis during the season. Training will gradually increase in intensity throughout the season, as we prepare for the competition seasons.
Unlike many other sports, an athlete’s flexibility and range of motion can significantly impact their ability to row the full stroke. Mobility and flexibility are crucial. The coaches recommend student-athletes stretch consistently and regularly throughout the year and strive to, at minimum, comfortably reach past their knees with a neutral spine. The goal of mobility training is to prevent injuries and ensure our student-athletes are able to safely and fully participate.
​​Learn more about how to register, click here.